The most popular racking method for keeping goods in several places with 100% selectivity is this one.Pallet storage and retrieval made as cost-effective and efficient as possible is provided by this method.
This is thought to be the most affordable and versatile storage option available to begin with.
- The most commonly used for storing palletized unit loads.
- Stores full pallets in single deep rows and up multiple levels.
- Support First In First Out (FIFO) operation using single aisle access for storage and retrieval of pallets.
- Each pallet can be access individually.
- 100% accessibility to each pallet.
- High visibility on stored goods.
- Similar pallet types are unnecessary.
- Requires large space in the warehouse.
- Use up 40% of facility area only for aisle space.
- The higher the volume of product, the higher the storage cost.
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